To make a rider booking from the My Entries area (accessed from the Trainer menu):
- Click on the blue button next to the race/horse and click Book/remove rider
- Enter all or part of a surname in the search box and click Search
- Riders matching your search will be listed, including licence weight, number of wins and a reason if they are not qualified for the race
- Your Apprentice / Conditional riders will be listed under the Bookable Riders tab,
- To see booking history clicking on the Booking History tab
- Click on the name of the rider you wish to book
- You will be returned to the previous page where the rider will be shown as booked
You are also able to make a rider booking via:
- Racecards & Entries (on the Fixtures & Races menu) - select a fixture, select a race, click on the blue button next to the horse name and follow the process above.
- Making a Declaration - click the Declare & Book Rider button when making a declaration to run. The declaration will be made, then follow the process above to book a rider.