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Search results Results 61 to 70 from 617 (max. score: 1)

Can I copy and paste?

The easiest way to make a copy of something is to take a snapshot of your screen. There are tools built in to your computer that will help you to do this. ...

Can I enter races that I have searched for?

Yes. When you are viewing the conditions of a race, an Enter Race button will be displayed if the race is currently open for entries. Click on the Enter Race button to continue to the usual entry screens. ...

Can I export a list of races?

Yes. Once a list of races is displayed, click the small blue icon near to the top right of the screen next to the Contact BHA button. This will download the list of races in a CSV file, which can be opened in most spread sheet software. ...

Can I export my horses' or owners' list?

Clicking on either Horses or Owners from the Trainer Menu will provide you with a list of your current horses in the yard and owners. On the top right hand side of these lists you can click Export Owner List or Export Horses List. ...

Can I open more than one page at a time?

Unlike the old Racing Admin site, where you could only view one page at a time, you can now view as many pages simultaneously as you like. ...

Can I search for a specific race?

If you know the race number for a specific race, you can go straight to that race by inputting the number. Towards the top of the Racecard and Entries fixture list page, on the right-hand side of the screen, you'll see a magnifying glass ...

Can I search for races for a specific horse?

Yes. Click the Fixtures and Races menu at the top of the page, and then select Search by Horse from the Find Fixtures & Races section. Alternatively if you are already within the Find Fixtures & Races section (e.g. ...

Can I search for races that are open for entries only?

Yes, tick the “Open for Entries” checkbox located under the date range and click the double arrow icon. Only races that are open for entries will be shown. ...

Can I see interactive races?

Click on the Fixtures and Races menu, then select “Interactive Races” from the Find Fixtures & Races section. Alternatively if you are already within the Find Fixtures & Races section (e.g. ...

Can I send a message?

The ability to send a message through the Communications Hub is not currently available. Contact details for both BHA and Weatherbys can be found here.